当失落的生活遇到小清新 当孤独遇到了性 童年造就性格 性格影响人生 而我们是人 生在这个世界上 注定体味所有 破涕为笑却在之后又悲从中来 想要做到的是有所成长有所改变 有些悲伤有些勇敢又有些豁达的继续着…
编剧 求求你写点儿人类能看懂的剧情和台词 Shelby家的女人们赛高! 去参加游行简直是全剧高潮! 相对来说Shelby家的男人们真得是烂情 希望编剧多写写Arthur/Johnny boy/Finn 还有不要把Michael写坏 汤老师瘦下来吧 太Strong了😂
窥视生活的相对性,彼此羡慕的激情与幸福,记得就如缆车前往Roosevelt Isl路过的大楼我们曾说过假设;这也算是我看过最贵的电影,20分钟短片$16,每分钟的价值都有八毛钱…..(上一部享此收费待遇的短片是去年的奥斯卡提名短片Lifeboat (2018));纽约本地电影是一方面,美女跳舞需要值得注意的是本片导演Marshall Curry前作是同样去年提名的短片A Night at the Garden,因此这部充满戏剧的短片如果明年获提名或获奖我一点不会意外;
JK Simmons's great performance speaks for itself and it seems to me that most actors who have theater backgrounds usually manage to pull off some serious acting in tv shows. I like how the first three episodes where the suspenses are well crafted but then in the latter episodes the plot development is a bit disappointing. I know the writers are purposely making Quayle the dumbest person in the show to support the irony that he ends up getting promoted somehow, but his utter stupidity and cockiness still piss me off. I look forward to the next season and hopefully they'd explain what the mysterious management department is.